TCS Website PDFs

This page links archived versions of the newer TCS website that used to exist at .

Grab a PDF with the whole archive in one file

You can also grab individual articles below. The TCS website had some more "curated" blog posts along with a discussion forum. I've listed these separately for convenience, with the articles listed first.

If you want even more TCS content, see this archive of the older TCS website.

TCS Website Articles

An Adobe Acrobat file Another Take on TCS
An Adobe Acrobat file Are schools inherently coercive
An Adobe Acrobat file Atheist Parents on How to Treat Teenagers
An Adobe Acrobat file Authority
An Adobe Acrobat file Beware the Curriculum Mentality
An Adobe Acrobat file Breaking The Spiral Of Coercion
An Adobe Acrobat file But if we dont make her do maths
An Adobe Acrobat file Can An Emotion Be Wrong
An Adobe Acrobat file Carseat In A Medical Emergency
An Adobe Acrobat file Children Are Not Born Knowing Right And Wrong
An Adobe Acrobat file Childrens Rights and the Law
An Adobe Acrobat file Choosing Creativity
An Adobe Acrobat file Choosing to go to school or Iraq
An Adobe Acrobat file Coercion the Meaning of the Word
An Adobe Acrobat file Common Preferences and Non coercion
An Adobe Acrobat file Common Preferences and Solving Problems Non coercively
An Adobe Acrobat file Creativity and Untidiness
An Adobe Acrobat file Curious Young Children Taking Things Apart
An Adobe Acrobat file Does Your Child Love Visiting The Dentist
An Adobe Acrobat file Does educational freedom lead to big gaps in knowledge
An Adobe Acrobat file Doing Nothing Academically
An Adobe Acrobat file Dont Wait Until Youre Perfect
An Adobe Acrobat file Do the Kids Rule
An Adobe Acrobat file Enacting a Theory
An Adobe Acrobat file Feeding The Family Some Tips For the Cooking Phobic
An Adobe Acrobat file Feeling Bad
An Adobe Acrobat file Forget About It
An Adobe Acrobat file Getting Children Reading
An Adobe Acrobat file Great Change of Mind Without Self Sacrifice
An Adobe Acrobat file Help Child Hates Eyepatch
An Adobe Acrobat file Home Education Articles Index
An Adobe Acrobat file Housework Help For a Harried Mother
An Adobe Acrobat file How Would You Like It
An Adobe Acrobat file How You Can Be a Part of This
An Adobe Acrobat file How did TCS start
An Adobe Acrobat file How do you get children excited about maths
An Adobe Acrobat file How to Avoid Giving Unwanted Answers to Unasked Questions
An Adobe Acrobat file Impressions and Experience of TCS
An Adobe Acrobat file In Defence of TV Soap Operas
An Adobe Acrobat file Introduction to TCS Theory
An Adobe Acrobat file Introduction to Taking Children Seriously
An Adobe Acrobat file Introduction to Taking Children Seriously TCS
An Adobe Acrobat file Is Hiding Medicine In Your Childs Food Wrong
An Adobe Acrobat file Is Your Child Worried About Death
An Adobe Acrobat file Junk Food Worries
An Adobe Acrobat file Learning to Sleep
An Adobe Acrobat file Lying About Lying
An Adobe Acrobat file Medical Emergencies
An Adobe Acrobat file Moralyzin Maggie
An Adobe Acrobat file More TCS Discussions on the Net
An Adobe Acrobat file My Heavenly Horrific Vision of TCS
An Adobe Acrobat file Natural Consequences
An Adobe Acrobat file No Way Out And Loving It
An Adobe Acrobat file Not Doling Out Looks and Latitude
An Adobe Acrobat file Noticing That You Have Changed Your Mind
An Adobe Acrobat file Obligations And Helping One Another
An Adobe Acrobat file On Educational Computer Games
An Adobe Acrobat file One Bloggers Thoughtful Commentary on TCS
An Adobe Acrobat file Optimism
An Adobe Acrobat file Parental Aversions
An Adobe Acrobat file Parenting By The Book
An Adobe Acrobat file Positive Interpretations
An Adobe Acrobat file Practical TCS
An Adobe Acrobat file Putting Education First
An Adobe Acrobat file Questioning Natural Consequences
An Adobe Acrobat file Quotations
An Adobe Acrobat file Reacting to an Angry Child
An Adobe Acrobat file Requiring Children To Do Chores
An Adobe Acrobat file Respecting Other Peoples Wishes
An Adobe Acrobat file Scowl
An Adobe Acrobat file Smash the TV and Burn all the Books
An Adobe Acrobat file Snapshot
An Adobe Acrobat file Some Articles
An Adobe Acrobat file Sooooo Bored In School
An Adobe Acrobat file Supporting a Childs Choice to Go to School
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS Glossary
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS It Is Rocket Science
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS Parenting Is Self Improving
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS Philosophy
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS Posting Guidelines
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS Practicalities
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS Related Quotations
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS Theory and Practice
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS and Fallibilism
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS and Karl Popper
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS and Military Training and Organisation
An Adobe Acrobat file Taking A Wrong Turn
An Adobe Acrobat file Taking Children Seriously The TCS Journal
An Adobe Acrobat file Taking Education Seriously
An Adobe Acrobat file Taking Toys Seriously Yes Really
An Adobe Acrobat file The Bed Making Story
An Adobe Acrobat file The Cognitive Capacity Argument
An Adobe Acrobat file The Dark Side of John Holt
An Adobe Acrobat file The Demon of the Flickering Light
An Adobe Acrobat file The Education of Karl Popper
An Adobe Acrobat file The Importance of Video Games
An Adobe Acrobat file The Keeping Ones Options Open Mentality
An Adobe Acrobat file The TCS Survey 1997
An Adobe Acrobat file The Taking Children Seriously List
An Adobe Acrobat file There But For An Internet Post Go I
An Adobe Acrobat file Time Out Time Off or Serving Time
An Adobe Acrobat file Treat Information About Local Education Authorities With Caution
An Adobe Acrobat file Unschooling And Academic Education 2
An Adobe Acrobat file Unschooling And Academic Education 3
An Adobe Acrobat file Unschooling And Schooling as a Continuum
An Adobe Acrobat file Unschooling and Academic Education 1
An Adobe Acrobat file Unschooling and Karl Popper
An Adobe Acrobat file Video Games A Unique Educational Environment
An Adobe Acrobat file Waste Not Want Not
An Adobe Acrobat file We Love TCS
An Adobe Acrobat file What TCS Is And What It Is Not
An Adobe Acrobat file What to do if you get a visit from a social worker or CPS
An Adobe Acrobat file When Toddlers Get Upset
An Adobe Acrobat file Who Wouldnt Be School Phobic
An Adobe Acrobat file Why Is A Three year old Child Hitting And What To Do
An Adobe Acrobat file Why Stuff Management Matters

TCS Website Forum Posts

An Adobe Acrobat file 3 1_2 year old pulls hair throws toys and scratches others at day care
An Adobe Acrobat file Additives in food make me angry
An Adobe Acrobat file Again
An Adobe Acrobat file Alone when no one around you understands
An Adobe Acrobat file An adult Sister being Obsessed with her Adult Sisters Children
An Adobe Acrobat file Bedtime question
An Adobe Acrobat file Bored in School
An Adobe Acrobat file Bullied by my own son
An Adobe Acrobat file Censorship ads and children
An Adobe Acrobat file Children Should Make Their Own Choices
An Adobe Acrobat file Death_Killing What do I do
An Adobe Acrobat file Hitting
An Adobe Acrobat file How can I pass TCS on
An Adobe Acrobat file How does TCS work with babies
An Adobe Acrobat file How is TCS different from permissive parenting
An Adobe Acrobat file I cant take school anymore
An Adobe Acrobat file Id like to build a stronger relationship with my mother.
An Adobe Acrobat file Im in class right now boredddddd
An Adobe Acrobat file Mistakes are part of learning
An Adobe Acrobat file Motivation building stronger relationships with parents and parenting with ultimatum.
An Adobe Acrobat file My 2 year old son hits my wife but not me.
An Adobe Acrobat file My 3 1_2 year old Nephew tries to force my 3 year old daughter to do whatever
An Adobe Acrobat file My First Blog
An Adobe Acrobat file New here
An Adobe Acrobat file Please respond He wont talk to me
An Adobe Acrobat file Protecting children or child censorship
An Adobe Acrobat file Randomly random stuff coz IM BORED
An Adobe Acrobat file Re_Im really 12 years old HOWEVER
An Adobe Acrobat file School is kind of boring
An Adobe Acrobat file Siblings
An Adobe Acrobat file Skool Is BORING and im ALWAYS TIRED
An Adobe Acrobat file So; School
An Adobe Acrobat file Subjects of Conversation for a 3.5 year old
An Adobe Acrobat file TCS_ New or Ancient
An Adobe Acrobat file Trapped in compulsory school
An Adobe Acrobat file Video Games and Moral Education
An Adobe Acrobat file Well well well im bored.
An Adobe Acrobat file What are some of the most common mistakes
An Adobe Acrobat file What do I do when I cannot get my 4 yr old to stop hitting and I have tried everything Now hes been suspended from childcare
An Adobe Acrobat file What happens when a 9 year is too playful and doesnt practice for her classes
An Adobe Acrobat file What makes your heart sink
An Adobe Acrobat file What some people call bad behaviour in a toddler
An Adobe Acrobat file What would you do
An Adobe Acrobat file Woof
An Adobe Acrobat file Y do we go 2 skool