The following computer software, apps, and websites can help you do things like read faster, watch videos faster, write more, discuss philosophy more easily, and have a nicer life.

This list leans towards mentioning stuff available for macOS and iOS, but includes some stuff available for other platforms.

Reading & Listening

Voice Dream Reader - iOS & Android
Text-to-speech app you can use to read books and articles on your phone.

Spreeder - Free web app
Free Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP) web app for rapid reading. The company behind the web app has software for Windows, Mac, and iPhone/iPad as well.

Outread - iOS
Speed reading app.

SpeedUp Player Pro + - iOS
App that lets you greatly speed up playback of audio files for faster listening.

Instapaper & Pocket - Multiple platforms
Apps/sites that let you save content for later reading/watching.

Read Aloud - Chrome Plugin
Text to speech in your Chrome browser.


Ulysses - macOS & iOS
Markdown editor.

Text editors - varies by platform
TextEdit comes included with macOS and is okay; you can also try Atom, Sublime, or Notepad++.


VLC - Multiple platforms
Video player.

Video Speed Controller - Chrome Plugin
Lets you speed up most videos on the web when watching them in Chrome.

SpeedUpTV + - iOS
Lets you watch videos at 2X on your iPhone.

Video Speed Up & Down, Playbex - iOS
Speed up videos right from within mobile Safari.

English & Grammar


S-expressions diagrammer.


Webster's 1828
Webster's 1913
Cambridge Dictionary
The Free Dictionary
Oxford English Dictionary
Online Etymology Dictionary
American Heritage Dictionary

Web Tools

uBlock Origin - Multiple platforms
Block those ads.

Vienna - macOS
Free RSS reader for macOS.

Distill - Website / multiple platforms
Get notified when websites change.


MailMate - macOS
The best Mac email client.

Thunderbird - Multiple platforms
Free email client. Many plugins available.


Get Discord and you can participate in philosophy discussions.

Audio/Video Tools

ScreenFlow - macOS
Record your screen and edit the footage.

Audio Hijack - macOS
Record audio on your computer, filter it and do stuff like remove background noise in real time. Very cool.


Dropbox - Website / multiple platforms
Cloud file storage.

Backblaze - Multiple platforms
Cheap cloud backups.

ABBYY FineReader - Multiple platforms
The best Optical Character Recognition software I've tried.

Otter - Website, iOS, Android
Automated transcription.

Calibre - Multiple platforms
eBook software suite. Can be used with a plugin to remove DRM from Kindle books. Google "DeDRM Calibre" for more info.